Beyond Basics

Enrichment Programs

Enrichment Programs

Through our literacy support programs, we ignite the students’ love of learning. We cultivate a curiosity and an awareness of the world around them. Through the arts, children improve their understanding of words and concepts critical for literacy — building vocabulary and expanding comprehension. These experiences are specifically designed to enrich literacy work and encourage a love of learning for life.

Publishing Center

We run an on-site writing program where students write original short stories and receive one-on-one assistance with editing. Stories are then bound into a hard cover book for students to add to their personal library. In high school settings, we offer a journalism program through which we help students write essays and other creative works.

Art with the Masters

In small group settings, we provide lessons about master artists that include history, geography, foreign languages, and artistic techniques that students then use in a variety of art projects. These creative literacy activities build trust between the tutor and the student to break down the aversion to learning, while also building vocabulary and improving comprehension. At the end of the term, student artwork is displayed during an Art Show.

International Art and Writing Program

The annual International Art and Writing Project extends an opportunity to school students around the world to visually represent their interpretation of the year’s theme through artwork and essays. We provide all of the materials and instruction needed to complete the project, and the resulting work is shared amongst participants to help increase global awareness. Participants have included students from all over the world, including the Bosnia-Herzegovina, China, India, Ireland, Mexico, and the United States.

Expanding Horizons

Through partnerships with a variety of organizations and individuals, we are able to provide students with additional opportunities that equip them with a multitude of tools for their future success. The goal of these events is to increase vocabulary by exposing students to new experiences and ideas, as well as to provide students with resources. Events fall into one of three categories:

  • Caring for Kids provides students with necessary items, such as school supplies and winter coats, through donations by community partners.
  • Mentoring Matters events allow students to interact with people from all walks of life, including inspirational and local leaders, who introduce the students to new ideas and perspectives.
  • Field Trips offer students an expanded awareness of the world around them.
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